Commercial archaeology services, Jersey
Desk-based assessments
Commission a DBA to support your planning application
Project Designs
Clear design contracts to support the archaeological oversight of your development
On-site evaluations and surveys
Watching Briefs
On-site archaeological supervision and recording of your development
Human Osteology
This specialist service provides full osteological recording and reporting services for any human skeletal remains
Rosalind Le Quesne
BA (Hons) Humanities with History of Science, Technology and Medicine, with First-class Honours
MSc Bioarchaeology (Human Osteology), with Distinction and the Dean's Commendation Award for Outstanding Achievement
Postgraduate Research (PhD) student at the University of Exeter
Accredited by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (ACIfA)
Human Osteologist in the Cranfield Recovery and Identification of Conflict Casualties Team (CRICC), Cranfield University
Member of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)
Member of the British Association for Human Identification (BAHID)
Fully insured
Archaeological Works: a guide for construction companies and householders